Deddington: February School Trip

We were blessed with the first beautifully warm and sunny day of the year for our school trip to Deddington yesterday! We were also blessed with the company of four lovely dogs, Poppy, Paddy, Chester and Ted.  As soon as we let them out of the car all the dogs were bounding around so happy to be in the sunshine!

There were heaps of open fields where Ted and Chester chased each other around in, and apparently lots of tasty grass which Poppy and Paddy grazed on. Chester also found a small pond which he very much enjoyed getting in and out of, going around in circles! We also found a field full of turnips, which Ted confusedly tried to play with.


The excitement of the day must have been too much for them all, as the four of them are usually very polite but this time it took three tries to get them all to sit together for a group photo! Paddy looks a little grumpy  about it!
